Wednesday 21 March 2012

The rule of thirds is a "rule of thumb" or guideline which applies to the process of composing visual images such as paintingsphotographs and designs The guideline proposes that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally-spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections.Proponents of the technique claim that aligning a subject with these points creates more tension, energy and interest in the composition than simply centering the subject would.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Board walk by 

 Architect and keen photographer who enjoy shooting in both digital and film.
Long exposure shot of a fun fair ride at the Board Walk Santa Cruz. Shot with a Contax G2
This links in with my light trails topic. I really like this picture here. 
Here is an example of my light trail. I did this in the studio, with LED lights. I moved them around to create images. I did several different objects with the LED lights and this is my chosen one,

NCFE Photography
Tutor: Ashley Leach Media National Diploma Level 3 Year 1
Create1pagespreadon5ofthefollowingtopics. Thesemustincludea written description of the technique or method, 3 found photographic examples of the technique or method used, 2 - 3 of your own photographs exploring the technique or method used and a written evaluation of the positives and negatives to the technique or method.
Depth of Field
Rule of Thirds Alternative Compositions Light Trails Pin Hole Digital File Hacking Photogrammes Studio Lighting Dark room Processing Shutter Speed
The Brief UNIT 2
Explore one of the following concepts within your photography. Use a number of the photographic techniques and methods you have learnt withinthepastunittoprogressyourunderstandingoftheconcept. You need to explore visual representations of your thoughts and feelings by creating mind maps, mood boards and research into and around relevant artists. The three concepts are:
Intrinsic Autonomous Redundant
You need to produce the following within your sketchbook or portfolio:
1 in depth mind map on each of the 3 concepts. • 1 mood board on the selected concept. • A written description of your proposed outline for investigation
Research into 3 relevant artists and/or contextual references that support and correlate your themes and ideas.
Idea Progression UNIT 3 (DEVELOPING IDEAS)
A developmental and progressive photograph shoot of only 36 photographs that document your idea progression.
Your 36 photographs need to be presented as a contact sheet with annotation on a selection of your strongest and weakest photographs.
A written mid point evaluation outlining the process so far. This also need to highlight possible routes forward into your next and final photo shoot.
A final refined photo shoot of 36 photographs with clear and defined intentions. This also need to be presented in a contact sheet with descriptive annotation on.
A final selection of your image/s that explore comprehensively and explicitly your chosen concept.
Thepresentationofworkisuptoyou. Exploredifferentmethodsand choose one that really highlights your photographic work and your skills.
Evaluation UNIT 3 (EVALUATION)
Youneedtoproduceawrittenevaluationspanningfromthebeginning stages (methods and techniques) to the final presentation of your selectedphotographs. Consider;yourjourneythroughoutthisunit,the methods and techniques learnt, your idea progression, your final photo shootsandfinalselectionandpresentationofphotographywork. Also include, likes, dislikes, future practice and how this has fed back into your media course.